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Getting x, y coordinates (+ tailAngle and other raw data if available)

During configuration file creation​

At the end of the configuration file creation pipeline, choose the option "Save coordinates and tail angle even when fish isn't moving (in csv/excel format)"

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Alternatively, if you have already created a configuration file, you can also add the following parameter in your configuration file:

"saveAllDataEvenIfNotInBouts": 1

When running the tracking, an excel file containing the x, y position will be created in the ZZoutput folder. This ZZoutput folder is accessible by clicking on this button of the front page:

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If the tracking has already been run​

With default hdf5 format​

The most recommended method is to use the dataAPI:

Get coordinates and other raw data with dataAPI (per bout)

Get coordinates and other raw data with dataAPI (per time interval)

Don't forget to first load the dataAPI with:

import zebrazoom.dataAPI as dataAPI

And to set the video fps and pixelsize if necessary (when retrieving data per time interval for example).

in order to be able to use the dataAPI.

Otherwise, it's also possible to access the hdf5 file directly:

Get coordinates and other raw data directly from hdf5 file

With legacy json format​

Use the createDistanceBetweenFramesExcelFile option which will create an excel file with the (x, y) coordinates in addition to the "instantaneous distance" travelled between each subsequent frame:

Get coordinates and other raw data with createDistanceBetweenFramesExcelFile script

Otherwise, it's also possible to access the json file directly:

Get coordinates and other raw data directly from the json file