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ZebraZoom data API

Getting started: Example scripts​

If you installed ZebraZoom with Anaconda​

ZebraZoom's API requires installing ZebraZoom with Anaconda. You will then be able to easily retrieve data from ZebraZoom's output files with code such as:

import zebrazoom.dataAPI as dataAPI
videoName = "headEmbeddedZebrafishLarva"
[videoFPS, videoPixelSize] = dataAPI.getFPSandPixelSize(videoName)
[curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail] = dataAPI.getCurvaturePerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout)
dataAPI.plotCurvatureYaxisApproximate(curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail, videoFPS, videoPixelSize)

If you installed ZebraZoom with an Installer or if your ZebraZoom output file is not in the ZZoutput folder​

If you want to use the ZebraZoom data API to retrieve data from output data files generated with a version of ZebraZoom installed with "Installers" or if you moved the outputs of ZebraZoom out of the ZZoutput folder, you will need to specify the full path to your video, for example:

videoName = "C:/Users/yourName/Desktop/ZebraZoom/zebrazoom/ZZoutput/headEmbeddedZebrafishLarva"

Automatic retrieval of the latest tracking using the data API​

Hdf5 output files are automatically saved inside the ZZoutput folder: the name of the hdf5 file created corresponds to the name of the video, to which a timestamp is appended (corresponding to the time at which the tracking was launched).

However, when specifying the file on which you want one of the functions below to be applied, you only need to specify the name of the video (not the name of the hdf5 file containing the timestamp): the data API will automatically find the file that was produced last (as shown in the examples above).

General helper functions​

All data api functions can be found in this folder: view code.


You can retrieve the configuration file used to run the tracking using the function specified below:

config = dataAPI.getConfigurationFileUsed(videoName)


If you did not specify the fps and pixel size of your video in the configuration file before launching the tracking, you can specify it in the hdf5 output format using the data api. This is required to use some of the other data api functions (such as the ones related to plotting the curvature for example).

videoFPS = 300
videoPixelSize = 0.01
dataAPI.setFPSandPixelSize(videoName, videoFPS, videoPixelSize)


If you specified the fps and pixel size in your video, you can retrieve them directly from the data API using the function specified below:

[videoFPS, videoPixelSize] = dataAPI.getFPSandPixelSize(videoName)


You can retrieve the first and the last frame used to run the tracking using the function below.

firstFrame, lastFrame = dataAPI.getFirstAndLastFrame(videoName)


You can retrieve the number of animals in each well using the function specified below:

nbAnimals = dataAPI.getNumberOfAnimalsPerWell(videoName)


You can retrieve the number of wells using the function specified below:

nbWells = dataAPI.getNumberOfWells(videoName)


You can retrieve any data for each bout detected by ZebraZoom using the function below. Available parameters are: HeadPos, Heading, TailAngle, TailLength, TailPosX, TailPosY.

videoName = "headEmbeddedZebrafishLarva"
numWell = 0
numAnimal = 0
numBout = 0
parameterName = 'Heading'

headingData = dataAPI.getDataPerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout, parameterName)


You can retrieve any data for any time interval (specified in seconds) using the function below. Available parameters are: HeadPos, Heading, TailAngle, TailLength, TailPosX and TailPosY. To use the beginning or the end of the video, send None as startTimeInSeconds or endTimeInSeconds.

data = dataAPI.getDataPerTimeInterval(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, startTimeInSeconds, endTimeInSeconds, parameterName)


You can retrieve kinematic parameters for each bout using the function below. It returns a dictionary mapping parameter names to values. If kinematic parameters were not calculated during the tracking process, they will automatically be calculated by the dataAPI and stored inside the hdf5 format.

kinematicParameters = dataAPI.getKinematicParametersPerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout)


You can retrieve a list of start and end timings for all bouts using the function below.

boutTimings = dataAPI.listAllBouts(videoName, numWell, numAnimal)

By default, frame numbers are returned. To obtain values in seconds, seconds=True should be used:

boutTimings = dataAPI.listAllBouts(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, seconds=True)


You can use this function to generate an excel file containing the x and y coordinates and the distance travelled between each frame. The excel file will be stored in the same folder where the provided h5 file is located.


An example of how to use the data api to retrieve and plot the curvature can be found here Example script

All data api functions can be found in this folder: view code.


You can retrieve the curvature for each bout detected by ZebraZoom using the function below. If the curvature was not calculated during the tracking process, it will automatically be calculated by the dataAPI and stored inside the hdf5 format.

videoName = "headEmbeddedZebrafishLarva"
numWell = 0
numAnimal = 0
numBout = 0

[curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail] = dataAPI.getCurvaturePerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout)


You can retrieve the curvature for any time interval (specified in seconds) using the function below. If the curvature was not calculated during the tracking process, it will automatically be calculated by the dataAPI and stored inside the hdf5 format. To use the beginning or the end of the video, send None as startTimeInSeconds or endTimeInSeconds.

[curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail] = dataAPI.getCurvaturePerTimeInterval(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, startTimeInSeconds, endTimeInSeconds)


The curvature saved in the hdf5 file does not contain any temporal smoothing (it may however contain some smoothing along the tail, if that was specified in the configuration file (with the parameter "smoothTailHeadEmbeded")). Therefore, smoothing (such as applying a median filter) can be applied later on with the function below.

curvatureValues = dataAPI.applyMedianFilterOnCurvature(curvatureValues, 5)


The function below will plot the curvature while taking into account the "exact" value of the cumulative length along the tail of each point.

dataAPI.plotCurvatureYaxisExact(curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail, videoFPS, videoPixelSize)

Additional optional parameters to this function are as follows:

  • maxCurvatureValues : maximum curvature values plotted. Default is 0.05.
  • xAxisLengthInSeconds : Lenght of the x axis in seconds. Default is 1 second.
  • yAxisLengthInMm : Lenght of the y axis in millimeters. Default is 6 mm.


The function below will plot the curvature while considering an approximate value on the y axis.

dataAPI.plotCurvatureYaxisApproximate(curvatureValues, xTimeValues, yDistanceAlongTheTail, videoFPS, videoPixelSize)

Additional optional parameters to this function are as follows:

  • cmap : colormap used to plot the curvature. Default value is: 'coolwarm'. Other options include: 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'coolwarm', 'bwr', 'seismic'
  • maxCurvatureValues : maximum curvature values plotted. Default is 0.05.
  • xAxisLengthInSeconds : Lenght of the x axis in seconds. Default is 1 second.
  • yAxisLengthInMm : Lenght of the y axis in millimeters. Default is 6 mm.


You can retrieve the tail angle heatmap for each bout detected by ZebraZoom using the function below. If the tail angle heatmap was not calculated during the tracking process, it will automatically be calculated by the dataAPI and stored inside the hdf5 format.

videoName = "headEmbeddedZebrafishLarva"
numWell = 0
numAnimal = 0
numBout = 0

tailAngleHeatmapValues, startFrame, tailLength = dataAPI.getTailAngleHeatmapPerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout)


You can retrieve the tail angle heatmap for any time interval (specified in seconds) using the function below. If the tail angle heatmap was not calculated during the tracking process, it will automatically be calculated by the dataAPI and stored inside the hdf5 format. Tail angle heatmap is calculated only for bouts, values for non-bout frames will be nan. To use the beginning or the end of the video, send None as startTimeInSeconds or endTimeInSeconds.

tailAngleHeatmapValues, startFrame, tailLength = dataAPI.getTailAngleHeatmapPerTimeInterval(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, startTimeInSeconds, endTimeInSeconds)


The function below will plot the tail angle heatmap.

videoFPS, videoPixelSize = dataAPI.getFPSandPixelSize(videoName)
tailAngleHeatmapValues, startFrame, tailLength = dataAPI.getTailAngleHeatmapPerBout(videoName, numWell, numAnimal, numBout)
dataAPI.plotTailAngleHeatmap(tailAngleHeatmapValues, startFrame, tailLength, videoFPS, videoPixelSize)

Additional functions for specific use cases​

Functions for processing single-frame video results​


This function can be used to retrieve the frame with tracking points plotted on it.

frame = dataAPI.plotSingleFrameTrackingPoints(videoName)


This function will generate the frame with tracking points and the curvature plot for each results file in the given folder and store them inside the 'output' subfolder.



This function will return the distance from each tracking point to the main axis.



This function will generate the frame with tracking points and the main axis and an excel file with tail point coordinates and distances to the main axis for each results file in the given folder and store them inside the 'output' subfolder.


More data API functions are coming! (the data API is still in "beta")​